
Under the e-Privacy Directive, we are obliged to inform you of any cookies that we use on this site. A cookie is small text file that we install in your browser and helps us to improve your use of our sites. We may use any of the cookies described below (we indicate which ones on the main site). If you do not wish to have any cookies installed then we suggest you do not use our site.

You can read more about the e-Privacy Directive on the Information Commissioner’s website.

Session cookies

A session cookie improves the functionality of a site as they remember information such as what you’ve put in the shopping basket as you move through the payment process. If these are disabled then some functions of the site will not work. The cookie is deleted when your session on our website finishes and it does not store information about who you are. Find out more.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to record how a user moves around a site. We do not know who you are when collecting this data but use it to build up a picture of trends across all our users so we can improve what we publish and how we publish it. As an example we track how many times a page has been viewed and this can help make sure that we publish more useful information in the future. Find out more.

Social Sharing buttons

On some pages of the site you will see ‘social buttons’. These enable users to share or bookmark the web pages on other services such as Facebook, Twitter and Google. These sites often collect information about what you do once you click on their button. You should check the respective policies of each of these sites to see more about how they use your information and to find out how to opt out, or delete, such information.

Google Adsense

This cookie is used by Google to report to us how the adverts shown on some of our sites are performing. User data is all anonymous. Find out more.